Lovely Weather For Bunnies

If you are a white bunny today, the country side is your playground. Even if bunnies could fly, they wouldn't be seen today. I'm so glad the trip home from our Easter supper was a short one. Nonetheless, it wasn't enjoyable. Very poor visibility, and difficult steering is never a fun combination. It is actually extremely beautiful out there. I can't remember the last time I heard such a loud silence. It's something you notice as soon as you step outside. The whole world has been stuffed with fluff and if feels very pillow-like. The flakes are as large as toonies, much too big to melt quickly, and when you catch one on your tongue, you can really feel it. If you catch one in your eye, well, it's quite a shock actually, because it feels as though a small sheet, heavy and wet has hit you, and you can't open your lid for a moment. I hope everyone has had a lovely Easter Sunday, and if you are travelling, may you have b...