Happy 8th Birthday Jared!

It is hard to understand where the time has gone, but my little guy is turning 8 tomorrow, and going into grade 3 next week. He says he is not looking forward to all the hard math he will have to do. But he is excited about recesses and gym class. So as far as that goes, he sounds like a typical little boy. He also adores LEGO and anything to do with Star Wars, and again, typical. What makes my little man stand out from the crowd, is that he is exceedingly funny. I can be in the worst of moods, and with perfect timing, he will give me one of his off looks, and without being able to help myself, I will burst into giggles. He's always trying to get a laugh out of someone, especially his sister. He can almost always set her to giggling and leave her wanting more. I could go on and on and in detail about all of his redeeming qualities, but in this moment I am feeling grateful for his sense of humor. I hope to give him an awesome bi...