Black and White

I've always loved black and white photography. In the past, my own attempts at this art have been more like grey and gray, soothing, but very boring.  I tend to love a black and white that offers a lot of contrast.  The dark blacks make the white shine through almost as though the picture is back lit. I love that! So, with contrast in mind, I set out to create these next images.  I liked the way they turned out.  What do you think of black and white photos?
A view from the top of a small hill in my backyard on my daily walk 

Our poor Christmas tree has taken such a beating from the wind.  This is a view from my yard, across the road
into my neighbors yard.

Night before last, on the night of the full moon, it was thick cloud cover, but last night was very clear. My hands
were frozen and I had even managed to get a couple of fingers stuck to my tripod at one point. Brr.


  1. That last picture is perfectly spooky!

    We had cloud cover here for most of the full moon too. :-(

    1. Yes, I will definitely have to bring that up again at Halloween! Thanks Dee!

  2. Gorgeous photos my friend.

  3. I love black and white photos, especially ones with snow. These are beautiful. I have never had much luck with moon shots.

    1. Moon shots are so difficult, and I really don't want to go and spend thousands on the perfect lens, so I just do the best with what I have.

  4. Fantastic photos, and they seem perfect in B&W! The last one is beautiful - worth getting your fingers frozen!!

    1. Thank-you Christine! I agree, it was worth frozen fingers. No permanent damage done, so I'm happy!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My darling Andrea,
    I love the charm of the pictures in black and white, thank you for sharing such Beauty!
    With dear love


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