Near the beginning of August we took a mini vacation to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, a city not far from Regina and only 2 and a half hours from home. What a treat! We fit a lot into the short time we were there, and have several hundred photos to look back on. Here are just a few...
This gigantic moose is in front the Visitor Information Centre welcoming all the travelers.
Yes, we got to play with these ridiculously adorable, 1 month old Burrowing Owls.
Meet Cricket and Cocoa, ambassadors for their endangered species here on the
Prairies. They will spend their lives travelling and meeting people all over the prairies
in hopes of educating whomever they meet about how to conserve their habitat. |
Near our campground, there was a tree that had grown in a very unique way.
Also near our campground, just across the river was a very busy train station.
This rickety looking bridge is still being used today. My timing was off,
and I didn't have my camera with me when there were cars on it. |
The Sukanen Museum was absolutely wonderful! 40 acres is home to a Pioneer
Village. This is the School House and it was brimming with wonderful antiques!
There were even books on the desks, and an in-house outhouse! |
The Phone Company. My Grandmother worked as an operator in a place that
must have looked much like this one. |
The cash register at the Hardware Store. |
This lovely home was fully furnished with more antiques than
you could shake a stick at! I could have moved right in. |
I had to include this old drill press from the Blacksmith Shop
because my husband commented on it saying that he had used
the one at the farm just last week. |
The family enjoying the sunset on the river. |
There was some graffiti under the train bridge. Hopefully my creative
photography doesn't get us into trouble. |
Moose Jaw is home to 15 Wing Military Base and The Snowbirds. We were
hoping to catch them practicing, and although we could hear jets taking off
while we were in our campground, we didn't see any. The locals told us that
The Snowbirds practise daily.
I took so many photos of this beautiful 1913 Steam Locomotive.
It rests in the Moose Jaw branch of the Western Development
Museum which carries the theme of transportation and how we
came to be where we are today. We all loved it, even the kidlets
found it fascinating. |
This old train station is displayed complete with ticket booth, schedules, luggage
and even your waiting bench. I'll soon be looking into travelling by train for
one of our vacations. I think the perspective would be a wonderful experience. |
Is there anything more classy than these beautiful wooden boats? My husband
can't decide if he would rather build one or restore an oldie to her original grace.
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