Pumpkin Day

It's the big day!  Pumpkins, gourds and squash are going into the garden. In fact, I'm nearly done. It is the perfect day out there, 20 degrees C with a nice breeze, and I'm just in for a short tea break. Here's a little reminder of some of what my patch produced last year.

Also, I nearly forgot about this little guy. I took this photo in the early Spring. He is a tenacious little fella. His persistence to get rid of the magpies from HIS tree paid off.  I watched many an altercation before the birds decided to move. He's still in the general area and in fact might be the little stinker that ate all the sunflower seedlings in my greenhouse.

I hope you are enjoying your Wednesday or whatever day it happens to be when you are reading this. Thank-you so much for visiting and especially so if you leave me a comment.


  1. Cute squirrel photo. Fall is my favorite time of year and I love seeing your pumpkins, gourds and squash. So happy your weather is nice for planting! Have fun!

  2. Yay! What an exciting day, my friend :) Your pumpkins were amazing last year!

    Hugs to you and happy planting!

  3. I remember your pumpkin display & I'm wowed again by how beautiful it is!
    Cute but very cheeky wee squirrel!

  4. Wishing you a good harvest next fall. Your display last year was BEAUTIFUL!

  5. Have a nice harvest for next time, warm greetings!

  6. Wow, your pumpkins are great and such a lovely photo of the squirrel too.


    All the best Jan

  7. I love seeing the pumpkins. Fall is my favorite and I always decorate with a lot of pumpkins.

  8. Hi Andrea - pumpkins look amazing ... and I'm sure they'll flourish - the magpies are a pain, while the little beloved (sadly) isn't much better ... but we need them all - cheers Hilary

  9. Hi Andrea, how exciting! I wanted to plant pumpkins and gourds for the first time this year but never got the seeds started. Is it too late to sow them right into the garden? I would love a collection like yours, I've never actually grown them before. I love your little guy. We don't get Magpies here but I have seen them while in Colorado. I heard they're a bit of a pain but I think they're beautiful regardless. Enjoy your weekend!

  10. It is Friday as I am reading this so I hope you have enjoyed the last two days! Love the pumpkins.

  11. I planted some pumpkin seeds a few weeks ago and they're coming up nicely. I've never had great luck with growing pumpkins except the little white ones. I love fall and Halloween and I'm hoping for some nice ones to decorate with. Your display is wonderful! Enjoy your week!


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