
Showing posts from June, 2015

Blooms And Things

This funny, little mushroom has chosen to grow about 8 feet up in one of maple trees. No danger of being tromped on up there! I love the purple these Irises have to offer, it's just too bad they don't bloom a little longer.  But their long grassy foliage makes a nice back drop for blooms later on. The first of the marigold blooms.  I started them all from seed this year, and am so excited to finally see a blossom!  Isn't that a happy color? More irises. and I'm not sure what particular type these are either.  I dug them out of a friends' garden and they bloom like crazy every Spring. I planted a little patch of chives last year and they have produced better than I could have expected.  I know they are delicious, but I keep them more for their blooms. How cute is this little guy???  He loves the chives even more than I do.  This patch of flowers is always humming with dozens of bees. Another cute little thing. ...

A New Family

Spring has been flying by and I have been as busy as a bee in my yard.  Early on, we welcomed back our killdeer couple.  They nested in the lilacs again, but this time out in the open where, as well camouflaged as they are, we could see them.  Here are their eggs, which hatched yesterday morning.  By the end of the day, one of the wee tikes was already out and about, tripping on his own feet.  Needless to say, they are ridiculously adorable and I had very difficult time keeping my hands off and my visit short, (but I did).  That's Mama, (or maybe Papa) in the grass doing her broken wing dance.  They do this to distract visitors from their nest and lead them away.  I'm always sure to follow her and let her know what a good job she is doing taking care of those babies. I shared this post HERE , with Saturday's Critters.  Thank-you for hosting eileeninmind! Other than watching plants grow and babies being...